High drama unfolded in Kolkata on Sunday in a CBI vs city police face-off, prompting Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee to stage a dharna at the Metro Channel.
Around 6pm, 40 CBI officers reached Police Commissioner Rajeev Kumar’s residence over alleged involvement in chit fund scams linked to Saradha and Rose Valley.
The Kolkata Police is believed to have sought a search warrant. Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) officers’ failure to produce one led the police to detain some officers, who were whisked away in jeeps. There are contradictory reports on whether they were arrested. In a retaliatory move,
Around 6pm, 40 CBI officers reached Police Commissioner Rajeev Kumar’s residence over alleged involvement in chit fund scams linked to Saradha and Rose Valley.
The Kolkata Police is believed to have sought a search warrant. Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) officers’ failure to produce one led the police to detain some officers, who were whisked away in jeeps. There are contradictory reports on whether they were arrested. In a retaliatory move,