Stance on Paris talks
- Want global temperature increase limit to be set at 1.5 degrees Celsius, against the 2 degrees accepted by the UN at present
- Want a strong and legally binding agreement at Paris
- Do not see equity in the principle of ‘common but differentiated responsibilities’ as central to the agreement
- Want priority in funds and clean technologies for vulnerable countries
- Are sometimes aided by developed countries or citizens and groups from developed countries to negotiate at the climate talks
- Earlier were part of a loose group, the ‘Durban coalition’, with EU, which has since weakened, with developed countries not delivering on their commitments on finance and technology
- With the economies having low levels of industrialisation, these countries do not suffer negative economic impact from deep emission cuts; they only gain long-term security from it
- Have strong focus on adaptation and loss & damage
- Want to set up an international climate change displacement coordination support mechanism to address loss and damage caused from climate change despite adaptation and future reduction in emissions
- Getting resources to build their capacities ranks high on their priority list
“The LDCs are very vulnerable to the adverse impact of climate change; we stand to suffer the most as we are least able to deal with a problem we did not cause”
Giza Gaspar Martins,
Chair, LDC Group