The Lok Sabha on Thursday passed the Aadhaar and Other Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2019, even though the Opposition raised concerns over privacy and the lack of adequate legal safeguards.
The proposed amendments allow, among other things, for voluntary use of the Aadhaar number as a know-your-customer (KYC) mechanism for opening bank accounts and buying SIM cards. “The amendments address the privacy and security concerns. It provides that no service or benefit of any scheme will be denied for the lack of Aadhaar," said Prasad.
The amended Bill also provides for Rs 1 crore penalty and jail term for
The proposed amendments allow, among other things, for voluntary use of the Aadhaar number as a know-your-customer (KYC) mechanism for opening bank accounts and buying SIM cards. “The amendments address the privacy and security concerns. It provides that no service or benefit of any scheme will be denied for the lack of Aadhaar," said Prasad.
The amended Bill also provides for Rs 1 crore penalty and jail term for