So far, almost of the arrests for making derogatory comments on social media had involved commoners speaking out against politicians. In keeping with the spirit of the judgement, therefore, people took to Twitter to express their relief and joy, as well as to vent and rant against, who else, politicians.
Some took to openly sharing their views and to lampoon the events leading up to the verdict:
Bal Thackeray's funeral caused such a traffic jam. Azam Khan's buffaloes are stupid. Sibal looks like Peter Pettigrew. #66A #Testing
— Siddharth Singh (@siddharth3) March 24, 2015
Thanks to Azam Khan's Buffaloes, IT Act Section 66A stands abolished :) Long live Indian Democracy #Sec66A
— Abhishek Gupta (@TwAbhitter) March 24, 2015
Also Read
Sabse bada jhatka SP govt ke lye UP me. Ab kaise arrest kroge hume netaji !!! #Sec66A
— shreyansh (@shreyanshrathi) March 24, 2015
EXCLUSIVE : Kapil Sibbal reaction, after Supreme Court quashes , sec #66A"
— Kirti Saxena (@kirtisaxena999) March 24, 2015
Fundamental right of speech and expression restored online with the SC striking down #Sec66A which seemed unconstitutional otherwise.KudosSC
— Shefali (@shefaliscints) March 24, 2015
It's taking time to absorb, almost three years after this work began- but thank you, Constitution of India, you still redeem us. #66A
— Karuna Nundy (@karunanundy) March 24, 2015
SC: you can *only* be arrested under 66A if IG permits in metro, DCP/SP in Distt (I + ors, argued for this. Save it.)
— Karuna Nundy (@karunanundy) May 25, 2014
You only need a small group of committed people to bring change- some of the people who got rid of 66A: do RT
— Karuna Nundy (@karunanundy) March 24, 2015
Glad to know that I live in a free country. No #Sec66A as SC strikes it down. Super happy. Go on, troll away.
— Chetan Bhagat (@chetan_bhagat) March 24, 2015
The only exception to free speech must remain hate speech and incitement to violence. Defamation/slander as per common law. #Sec66A
— Rajdeep Sardesai (@sardesairajdeep) March 24, 2015
Great day for India. Just think of all those Azam Khan and Shiv Sena jokes waiting to be unleashed on Facebook. #Sec66A
— Sadanand Dhume (@dhume) March 24, 2015
Just landed from a flight to the grt news of SC striking down section #66A of the IT Act! I'd advocated it, even filed a pvt members bill.
— Baijayant Jay Panda (@PandaJay) March 24, 2015
Narendra Modi had turned his DP black to protest against #Sec66A . Then he did his classic U-turn to argue for it in Supreme Court as PM.
— Sanjay Jha (@JhaSanjay) March 24, 2015
However, Sanjay Jha received a lot of criticisms for his tweet:
@JhaSanjay .... Classical U turn by Congress employee
— Dr.Ashish Gupta (@ashishbadshah) March 24, 2015
@JhaSanjay So, who was it who introduced the #Sec66A again?
— Devesh Nayak (@deveshnayak) March 24, 2015