The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Monday approached the Rajya Sabha secretariat seeking documents related to fake travel bills allegedly submitted by a JD(U) MP against whom a case has been registered for making such claims.
CBI sources said a team has again gone to the secretariat to collect these documents.
The agency has registered its first First Information Report (FIR) in the Leave Travel Concession(LTC) scam against JD(U) Rajya Sabha MP Anil Kumar Sahani for allegedly siphoning off around Rs 9.5 lakh by presenting fake air tickets and boarding passes.
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In his defence, Sahani had refuted the allegation claiming that it was he who had complained to the authorities about 20 fake tickets being submitted in his name.
He has alleged that it was his personal assistant who had submitted these tickets for claims but no money was ever transferred to his account.
The MP has claimed that he had brought this matter to the notice of concerned authorities and even submitted that complaint letter to CBI when it searched his premises here.
The tour operator and Air India did not offer any comments.