The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Monday filed a charge sheet, naming 16, including Dheeraj Wadhawan, a non-executive director of Dewan Housing Finance Corporation (DHFL), in the money laundering probe involving gangster Iqbal Memon (alias Iqbal Mirchi).
Other accused are Humayun Merchant, an alleged aide of Memon, Ranjeet Bindra, a broker in the deal of Mirchi’s property, and Rinku Deshpande, through whom Bindra allegedly received his commission.
The charge sheet also contains the name of Memon’s wife and other family members.
Mumbai’s special court of Prevention and Money Laundering Act is likely to take cognisance of the report
Other accused are Humayun Merchant, an alleged aide of Memon, Ranjeet Bindra, a broker in the deal of Mirchi’s property, and Rinku Deshpande, through whom Bindra allegedly received his commission.
The charge sheet also contains the name of Memon’s wife and other family members.
Mumbai’s special court of Prevention and Money Laundering Act is likely to take cognisance of the report