Mumbai Police on Friday cracked the gang-rape case of a young photojournalist, arresting one of the accused in 24 hours of the incident and identifying four others, including two criminals, for whom a massive manhunt has been launched.
"We have arrested one of the accused who has named the others involved in the incident. The accused has also confessed to the crime," Police Commissioner Satyapal Singh said. An earlier report attributed to the police had said two accused had been arrested.
Singh said 20 teams, including 10 from the crime branch, had been pressed into service to track the perpetrators.
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The chief declined to divulge the identities of the accused, lest the probe in the "extremely sensitive" case got compromised but said two of them were history sheeters, with property offences registered against them.
A top police officer, however, identified the arrested accused as Mohammed Abdul alias Chand, while he named others as Vijay Jadhav, Qasim Bengali, Saleem and Ashfaq.
Asked about the condition of the victim, 23, an intern with an English magazine, he said she was "composed and stable".
The victim has been admitted to Jaslok Hospital. Preliminary reports suggested she sustained multiple internal injuries.
A statement from the hospital said, "The patient is with us after the unfortunate incident since last night. As of now, she is stable."
Journalists on Friday held a rally and a 'silent protest' here to condemn the brutal gang-rape.
The protesters expressed dissatisfaction over the deteriorating law and order situation in the metropolis and the state. They were seen holding banners and placards about the gang-rape and the killing of rationalist Narendra Dabholkar.
Members of the Press Club Mumbai, Mumbai Marathi Patrakar Sangh, Television Journalist Association, Bombay News Photographers Association and Mantralaya and Vidhi Mandal Vartahar Sangh, participated in the protest, at the Hutatma Chowk here.
They said the killing of Dabholkar in Pune, and the rape of the photojournalist in the heart of Mumbai showed that the police had failed to provide safety and security to ordinary citizens.