Sinha, while speaking in support of legalising betting at an event here Tuesday evening, said: "What is wrong if we legalise betting? Do we have the enforcement agencies (to stop betting)?"
"If you cannot enforce the ban on betting, it is like if you can't prevent rape, you enjoy it."
NCW chief Mamta Sharma said: "I am sorry to say (that) an agency, which is there for women's security, the head of that institution is saying this. I think if he has said so, he should resign."
"We thought we had to sensitise people at lower levels, but this example shows that people at higher level also have to be sensitised," she said.
A CBI spokesperson issued clarification late Wednesday saying Sinha was misquoted.
"The CBI director made a point that if law can't be enforced, it doesn't mean law could not be there," the spokesperson said.