Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Tuesday the New Education Policy (NEP) announced by his government will play a key role in creating a self-reliant India and open up the education sector for facilitating greater global exposure for Indian students.
Modi said holistic knowledge blended with the understanding of science is answer to all problems.
"I firmly believe the future of the nation is what you think today. Your dreams will shape the future of India. We need to be future-ready, future-fit," he said addressing the 22nd convocation of IIT (Guwahati) through a video conference from the national capital.
Modi spoke about the importance of education as a key component for creating an "Atmanirbhar Bharat" (self-reliant India).
The NEP, which is designed to ease the burden of classroom teaching and examination on students, will play an important role in the country's march forward, he said.
"The NEP will open up the education sector. It will facilitate setting up campuses of foreign universities in India and enable Indian students to get global exposure," the prime minister said.