Niti Aayog has shortlisted Uttar Pradesh, Assam and Karnataka under its 'Sustainable Action for Transforming Human Capital (SATH)' initiative to handhold them and transform their health sector.
The Aayog has also selected Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand and Odisha under its SATH initiative to transform their education sector.
"To radically transform quality of #Education in India, NITI selects MP, J'khand & Odisha under #SATH through #CompetitiveFederalism," the government think-tank said in a tweet.
"After rigorous competition, NITI selects UP, Assam & K'taka to transform their #Health sector in 3 years! #SATH #CompetitiveFederalism," it added.
The government think tank had invited all states and UTs to participate