This week will see another important meeting, if it happens. India has received no confirmation so far, but the National Security Advisor of Pakistan Sartaj Aziz is to travel to New Delhi to meet A K Doval, the Indian NSA.
As can be imagined, there is much to talk about. Apart from the Gurdaspur attack, and the arrest of one terrorist from Kashmir, there is the question of taking the India-Pakistan dialogue forward. Ufa in Russia saw a handshake between Narendra Modi and Nawaz Sharif. Kashmir was not mentioned by Pakistan then, and India agreed to break the logjam. But since then, it has been pretty much downhill. The only ray of hope was that the NSA talks seemed to be on course.
We will know later in the week if these are still on track. Narendra Modi is to visit Pakistan sometime at the end of next year for the Saarc summit. Obviously, there will be preparatory visits before that. The NSAs will decide if the two PMs will meet on the sidelines of the UNGA. So, there is a lot to talk about if the NSAs do meet.