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Genie, you're free.
— The Academy (@TheAcademy) August 12, 2014
A tweet cannot begin to describe the hugeness of Robin Williams heart and soul and talent. This is so sad. #RobinWilliams
— Ben Stiller (@RedHourBen) August 12, 2014
I could not be more stunned by the loss of Robin Williams, mensch, great talent, acting partner, genuine soul.
— Steve Martin (@SteveMartinToGo) August 11, 2014
Robin Williams made the world laugh & think. I will remember & honor that. A great man, artist and friend. I will miss him beyond measure.
— Kevin Spacey (@KevinSpacey) August 12, 2014
I'm stunned!
— Bill Cosby (@BillCosby) August 12, 2014
RIP mr Williams - beyond great talent -such a kind and lovely person
— John Cusack (@johncusack) August 11, 2014
We will try to carry on, but it won't be any fun without you. #RIPRobinWilliams
— Jon Cryer (@MrJonCryer) August 11, 2014
No no. Don't let this be. RIP my dear Robin.
— Kristin Chenoweth (@KChenoweth) August 11, 2014
Honored to have worked w such a bright light and brilliant man. Love and prayers to his family and friends. #RIPRobinWilliams
— Mandy Moore (@TheMandyMoore) August 11, 2014
RIP @robinwilliams You were one of the very best that ever was. You were one of my heroes. #RobinWilliams
— Joel McHale (@joelmchale) August 11, 2014
His heart was as big as his genius. So sad. Rest in Peace Robin Williams.
— bob saget (@bobsaget) August 11, 2014
Thank you, #RobinWilliams. #RIP
— The GRAMMYs (@TheGRAMMYs) August 12, 2014
God Bless Robin Williams. A comedic God, irreplaceable. Can't believe it. #realtears
— Jamie Foxx (@iamjamiefoxx) August 12, 2014
US President Barack Obama also released a statement on the death of the notable actor. "Robin Williams was an airman, a doctor, a genie, a nanny, a president, a professor, a bangarang Peter Pan, and everything in between. But he was one of a kind. ….” the president said.
Robin Williams began his career as a stand-up comedian, and rose to fame in the TV series Mork & Mindy with his role as the alien Mork, He then went on to establish a successful career in both stand-up as well as feature films, where he carved a niche for himself with his comedic and verbal talents.
His more serious acting work did not go unnoticed either. Williams was nominated for as many as four Academy Award, but won only one for Best Supporting Actor for his 1997 role as a counselor in Good Will Hunting about a math prodigy on Boston.
The L Street Tavern in Boston, where parts of the film were shot, also released a statement condoling Williams’ passing.
L Street Tavern (South Boston) releases statement on the death of Robin Williams:
— David Rothstein (@TheDRnews) August 12, 2014
Robin Williams: Genie you are free