Under severe attack after the December 16 gangrape, Delhi police took a slew of steps like setting up helplines and women help desks at police stations to ensure women's safety but there is no let up in the crimes against them which have actually increased during the period.
The number of rape cases this year is highest in the last 13 years, but Delhi police has attributed it to greater awareness and registering of cases which otherwise would have gone unreported.
According to Delhi police data, a total of 1,493 cases of rape were registered in the national capital till November 30 which is more than double the number of cases registered in the same period in 2012.
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What is more alarming is that the number of cases of molestation has registered a five-fold increase as till November 2013, a total of 3,237 such cases were registered as against 625 last year. Cases related to outraging the modesty of women, that includes eve-teasing and stalking, also show a similar trend with the figure skyrocketing to 852 from last year's 165.
As per data of National Crime Record Bureau (NCRB), in 2012, a total of 706 rape cases were registered while in 2011, the numbers of registered rape cases were 572, as against 507 rape cases reported in 2010.
The figure stood at 469 in 2009. In 2008, the figure was 466, while in 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001 the figures were 598, 623, 658, 551, 490, 403 and 381 respectively.
However, Delhi police terms it as a good sign that now more cases are being registered which mean that more women are coming forward and reporting the crimes which probably was not the case earlier.