The Haryana government on Monday submitted Justice (Retired) S N Dhingra probe panel report to the Supreme Court. The report highlights alleged 'favouritism' by erstwhile Bhupinder Singh Hooda led Haryana government in allotment of land to Congress president Sonia Gandhi's son-in-law Robert Vadra and others.
The apex court on Wednesday had directed the Manohar Lal Khattar led Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government to submit report in a sealed cover by April 17, 2017.
The Justice (Retired) S N Dhingra Commission of Inquiry had submitted its report to the Khattar government in August last year.
The Haryana Government didn't make the contents of the report public as it had given an undertaking in the Punjab and Haryana High court not to release the report until directed by the court.
It is learnt that the 182-page report points to the alleged connivance of the Hooda government in favouring Vadra and others.
"I wouldn't have submitted a 182-page report if there was no irregularity (in grant of land licences in Gurgaon)," justice Dhingra, a former Delhi High Court judge, had said while submitting the report last year.
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Robert Vadra, one of the prime accused in the case was seen visiting a temple in Delhi. Addressing the media, Vadra said that he was at the temple for his birthday. He has often termed the inquiry commission as a "political witch-hunt" launched against him by the BJP government in Haryana.
Vadra and others were allegedly granted favours by the Hooda-led state government in issuing licences to develop commercial properties in Gurgaon's Sector 83.
Vadra came into controversy after he bought a 3.5-acre plot in Gurgaon in 2008 for Rs 7.5 crores and after three months, he sold the same plot to real estate developer DLF for Rs 58 crores.
The Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) had pointed out that Vadra's firm, Skylight Hospitality, had not submitted documents on financial adequacy, but was still granted a licence.