On Monday, the Supreme Court directed the Maharashtra government to not cut any more trees in the Aarey colony till October 21. The trees were being cut to build a depot for Mumbai metro.
Appearing for the Maharashtra government, Solicitor General, Tushar Mehta assured the apex court that no trees will be felled.
Further, the Supreme Court also ordered the release of all the activists who have been arrested during protests. The court has asked the Union Environment ministry to be a party in the matter. Now the matter will be taken up by the Forest Bench of
Appearing for the Maharashtra government, Solicitor General, Tushar Mehta assured the apex court that no trees will be felled.
Further, the Supreme Court also ordered the release of all the activists who have been arrested during protests. The court has asked the Union Environment ministry to be a party in the matter. Now the matter will be taken up by the Forest Bench of