Society of Geoscientists and Allied Technologists (SGAT), a pro-mining body in the state, has trashed the suggestion of Shah Commission of enquiry to halt all mining activities around Baitarani river basin on pollution ground.
"We do not agree with the view of Shah Commission that mines around Baitarini river basin are polluting the river. Many independent surveys and findings from Odisha State Pollution Control Board (OSPCB) say that Baitarini river pollution is not at alarming level," said B K Mohanty, advisor to SGAT in a press meet here.
The Justice M B Shah Commission of enquiry, in its five-volume report on illegal mining in Odisha, has recommended revisiting the environment approvals granted to all 55 mines around the Baitarani and its tributaries. "Till then, mines might remain shut," it said, suggesting modification of the environmental approval of the mines by an expert panel. The recommendation could affect mining operation of several top miners and steel plants.
SGAT also suggested that state government must expedite the process of clearing pending mines lease renewal applications and other mineral concession applications, for which miners are being penalised unnecessarily. It also objected to the inclusion of Gramsabha views in granting mining proposals and said the government must amend rules to implement e-auction of minerals.