An Andhra Pradesh court on Monday took cognizance of a complaint alleging that P Chidambaram and Sushilkumar Shinde had “cheated” the people of Telangana, and ordered a police probe.
The court gave the direction on a complaint by a lawyer who alleged that the two ministers cheated the people of Telangana by going back on their announcements to carve out a state.
The government had said a decision on statehood would be taken by January 28. Congress spokesman Rashid Alvi said: “The party never comments on a court order. The ministers have said nothing objectionable.”
The Congress in Delhi reacted cautiously to the development; the party stated as it was a “very sensitive” matter it was warranted that more time would be needed before coming to any conclusion.
Defending the delay in taking a decision and Congress seeking more time to settle the issue, Alvi said that there was nothing wrong if government is contemplating to consult some more leaders. “The Telanagana issue is very sensitive and emotional. Where is the question of mistake? What is wrong if government is taking few more days? A decision will be taken at an appropriate time. As early as possible.” He added, “It is a commitment of party and the government and heavens will not fall if it is delayed by a day or two. We have to take a decision on Telangana by consulting all stakeholders.”
Meanwhile pro- Telengana Congress MPs miffed with the party leadership in Delhi over its dilly dallying attitude, are reportedly in talks with other political outfits and contemplating quitting the party. The Telengana region has 17 MPs, the majority of which are with the Congress party.