Seven-year-old Navya Singh recently won a battle against the government when the Delhi HC stayed the DDA’s plans to build a community centre in a park, Aditi Phadnis writes
When Navya Singh heard she’d won the case in the high court she reacted as only a seven-year-old would. She let out a long squeal and leapt up to punch the air. It came to litigation because she and her friends wanted the play in the community park — and the government wouldn’t let them. This is the story of her rebellion.
Navya lives in Sector 8, Rohini, a
When Navya Singh heard she’d won the case in the high court she reacted as only a seven-year-old would. She let out a long squeal and leapt up to punch the air. It came to litigation because she and her friends wanted the play in the community park — and the government wouldn’t let them. This is the story of her rebellion.
Navya lives in Sector 8, Rohini, a