Rejecting the possibility of a third front coming to power after the next Lok Sabha polls, BJP leader Venkaiah Naidu today said the very idea is a "tried and failed experiment" which will never become a reality.
He said regional parties cannot claim themselves as an alternative.
"There is no possibility of a third front in the country. The idea of a third front is a tried and failed experiment. It will never become a reality.
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"...It is a national party like BJP which will become an alternative," Naidu told reporters here on the sidelines of a three-day fast here by an Andhra Pradesh activist seeking enactment of a law for compulsory voting.
He alleged all parties who have been supporting Congress "are a part of their corruption".
"They cannot claim themselves as the alternative. I am sure people want Congress to go and BJP and NDA to come back. BJP is ready to take up the responsibility," he said.
Asked about BJP's Prime Ministerial candidate, Naidu said it will be decided by the party at the approapriate time.