Salman Khan-Katrina Kaif starrer Tiger Zinda Hai is the biggest opener from Bollywood this year with a first day collection of Rs 33.75 crore. The sequel to 2012’s Ek Tha Tiger has beaten the first instalment as well. The 2012 flick opened at Rs 30.75 crore and went on to make Rs 198 crore in its lifetime (domestic net box office collection after tax).
Tiger Zinda Hai also becomes the third most successful opener for Khan after 2015’s Prem Ratan Dhan Paayo (Rs 39.5 crore) and 2016’s Sultan (Rs 36.5 crore). Incidentally, Tiger Zinda Hai is directed by Ali
Tiger Zinda Hai also becomes the third most successful opener for Khan after 2015’s Prem Ratan Dhan Paayo (Rs 39.5 crore) and 2016’s Sultan (Rs 36.5 crore). Incidentally, Tiger Zinda Hai is directed by Ali