Uttar Pradesh Lok Ayukta on Monday said a probe would be launched into the allegation of corruption against state mining minister Gayatri Prasad Prajapati even as the complainant had offered to withdraw the case.
A complaint was filed with UP Lok Ayukta N K Mehrotra by Om Shankar Dwivedi on December 11 against the minister, alleging he has amassed wealth disproportionate to his known sources of income.
The Lok Ayukta said he would probe the matter on the basis of "whatever" documents he has before him.
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"Om Shankar Dwivedi, who has made a complaint against Prajapati, has expressed his inability to furnish any further evidence against the minister. However, I will probe the case on the basis of whatever documents I have before me," Mehrotra said.
"Although Dwivedi, in his four paragraph affidavit, also said that he was willing to withdraw the complaint but as per the Constitution, a complaint once filed before Lok Ayukta cannot be withdrawn in an arbitrary manner," he added.
In the 1,727-page complaint, it has been alleged that Gyatri and his family members have properties in Amethi, Lucknow and Mohanlalganj. Dwivedi also mentioned five companies in which Gyatri, his wife and son are directors.