Uttarakhand Chief Minister Harish Rawat on Monday unfurled the Tricolour at the Bijapur Guest House to mark the 66th Republic Day and said it was an occasion to remember the contribution of the country's Constitution makers who laid the foundation of a democratic and secular India.
"This is the day when we should remember our Constitution makers and take a vow to protect our identity as a democratic and secular country," he said.
He also said at the next meeting of the state Cabinet, scheduled to be held on January 31, the government will consider the proposal for extending the age limit for pension to statehood agitationists.
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Earlier, the state cabinet had decided to give pension to statehood agitationists above sixty years of age.
A plan is being drawn up for the protection of Vanraji and Boksa tribes, Rawat said, adding they will get funds from both the Centre and the state government in equal measure to help them take to farming and entrepreneurial activities.