Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah on Monday reiterated his demand for revocation of the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA), and said he would take up the issue again with the Centre later this year.
"Talks (for revocation of AFSPA) are on and I am of the opinion that because of the improved situation, there are areas in the state from where the AFSPA should go," Omar told reporters on the sidelines of a function here, 60 kms from Srinagar.
He said a start had to be made for the revocation of the AFSPA and he would take up the issue with the Centre.
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In reply to another question about the closure of the Pathribal encounter case by Army, Omar said Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had assured him that he would take up the issue with the Defence Ministry.
"The Prime Minister has assured me that he will take up the issue of Pathribal case with the Defence Ministry and will not allow this case to be buried," the Chief Minister said, adding "it is up to the Prime Minister now how much he will take the issue forward, but he is on it."