Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Tuesday assured industry that despite a raging second wave of infections, 2021 will not be about Covid-19, and the economic revival will continue.
Addressing members of the Merchants’ Chamber of Commerce & Industry in Kolkata, Sitharaman said, “You will withstand this challenge also; 2019 was about liquidity, 2020 was about Covid, but 2021 shall not be about Covid, in spite of the second wave. I want to assure you.”
Citing the “cordial” relations between the Reserve Bank of India and the Centre, the FM said the central bank and the government have
Addressing members of the Merchants’ Chamber of Commerce & Industry in Kolkata, Sitharaman said, “You will withstand this challenge also; 2019 was about liquidity, 2020 was about Covid, but 2021 shall not be about Covid, in spite of the second wave. I want to assure you.”
Citing the “cordial” relations between the Reserve Bank of India and the Centre, the FM said the central bank and the government have