The BJP on Friday blamed the Congress-led UPA government for "failure" of the recently concluded auction of 2G mobile phone spectrum. It further slammed Union Telecom minister Kapil Sibal and UPA government spokesperson Finance Minister P Chidambaram for "celebrating" the flop show of the 2G spectrum auction.
The recently concluded auction, which lasted just two days, got total bids worth Rs 9,407.64 crore, just one-third of the minimum Rs 28,000 crore the government was expecting.
"There was mismanagement of the telecom sector by the union government in 2012. The failure of the 2G spectrum auction is an example of the direction in which this government was taking the country's economy to," said senior BJP leader Arun Jaitley on Friday on sideline of a party function in Ahmedabad.
"Any responsible government would have been concerned over the situation. But this UPA government is the one which is happy with its failures," Jaitley claimed.
"The government spokesperson and its minister appear very happy that this auction was a failure. The government has lost its sense of fairness. They cannot comprehend that this failure was a loss to government treasury, and is likely to put pressure on the fiscal deficit of the country. It will also have a negative impact on India's economy," said the Rajya Sabha MP from Gujarat.