The government on Saturday said 37 mineral blocks in states of Karnataka, Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, Odisha, Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand may be re-auctioned by December this year, as they received tepid response in the recently-held auction of non-coal mines.
Mines Secretary Balvinder Kumar said a total of 16 mineral blocks have been auctioned so far, and as many as 37 mines, which were put up for sale, received inadequate response and would be tendered again by December.
“Now, we have to see why other blocks could not be put for auction. We are here to find those reasons. States are required to put their blocks of minor minerals for auction. Our ministry has planned to put 55 new blocks of major minerals for auction this financial year,” he said.
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He said the government would be able to auction close to 100 blocks by the end of the current financial year (2016-17).
Kumar said the mining ministry recently raised Rs 47,000 crore from the auction of 16 mining blocks across India.
He added the central government has asked the states governments of Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Haryana, Kerala and Uttarakhand to speed up auction of minor minerals.
As many as 31 minerals, including quartz, gypsum, sand, shale, silica and mica, are notified as minor minerals. Iron ore, bauxite, coal, copper, diamond, etc are some of the major minerals mined in India.