The detailed Budget statement tabled by Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mulyam Singh Yadav in the Assembly today estimated the total debt burden at Rs 1.5 lakh crore by the end of 2006-07, but Yadav said, "UP is reeling under deficit for last 20 years, which has to be eliminated by 2008-09 as per the FRBM (Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management) Act. But UP will achieve this feat two years ahead of schedule during the next fiscal." |
The total revenue receipts in 2006-07 have been estimated at Rs 56,144 crore and total revenue expenditure of Rs 55,021 crore thus a surplus of Rs 1,123 crore. |
The total deficit in consolidated fund of the state is estimated to be Rs 2,309 crore and after making adjustment with the public account the deficit in 2006-07 is estimated to be Rs 363 crore. |
While the proposed revenue receipts were estimated to be Rs 80540.47 crore, the proposed expenditure is pegged at Rs 82849.96 crore during the next fiscal. |
Similarly, by overestimating the revenue receipts from trade tax and excise duty, the chief minister said the revenue receipts in 2006-07 were estimated to be Rs 56,144 crore. However, the actual estimates shows the estimated receipts at Rs 52,598 crore. |
Later, talking to mediaperson, Yadav said the Budget he presented was "historic" as the SP-led coalition government had managed to fulfil all the promises it had made in the election manifesto. |
He said not only had the interest of each social groups been protected, but the problem of regional imbalance had also been adressed. "Priority has been given to power, road links, drinking water, education and employment," he said. |
The chief minister also announced the introduction of Balika Shree Yojna for Scheduled Caste girls. Under the scheme, the girls would be provided a life insurance cover of Rs 200, besides National Savings Certificates worth Rs 800. The state government would spend Rs 10 crore on the proposed scheme. |
About 500,000 new beneficiaries would be added to the Handicapped Welfare Scheme. The new inclusions would put an additional load of Rs 90 crore on the exchequer. The state government has hiked the monthly honorarium of chowkidars from Rs 300 to Rs 500, while that of the homeguards from Rs 80 daily to Rs 85 daily. |
Yadav also proposed to set up three new medical colleges in Azamgarh, Kannauj and Jalaun with an expenditure of Rs 410 crore. Two new engineering colleges and 75 new Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) will also be set up. |
In Etawah, the home district of the chief minister, a dairy engineering and technology college, besides a fisheries college will be opened. |
While the state government was already providing free textbooks to girls of SC/ST and OBC category from classes VI to VIII, the scheme has been extended for girl students of the general category too. |
The state government has earmarked a budget of Rs 247 crore for the police department with an India Reserve Battalion (IRB) proposed to be raised in naxalite affected Sonebhadra district. A Provincial Armed Constabulary (PAC) battalion would come up in Mau, which recently saw a major communal flare up. |
CM also announced buying 1000 new buses for the State Road Transport Corporation, including 800 big and 200 mini buses. In the budget, the government has allotted Rs 237 crore for rehabilitation of different societies under Rampur Sugar Mill while Rs 225 crore has been provided for construction of Rural Institute of Medical Sciences at Safai, Etawah. |