The three-pronged focus of the finance minister (FM) - a renewed thrust on infrastructure development, rationalisation and overhauling of the taxation regime and the development of the rural economy - is expected to guide the Indian economy towards its true potential. The FM has attempted to improve the business climate for both domestic and international investors by bringing in new measures.
Increase in foreign direct investment for key sectors will help create an immediate sense of comfort and employment in the long-term. The energy and resources devoted to the rural economy - to improve infrastructure, employment opportunities and its income-earning potential - would immensely benefit sector-specific retailers like us. Rural incomes have always played a role in sustaining retail businesses.
I understand the FM had to study all the sectors in a very limited time. I am sure that as he continues to look into various issues, he will look at the jewellery sector and help us join the Indian growth journey.
T S Kalyanaraman
CMD, Kalyan Jewellers
CMD, Kalyan Jewellers