Ending high drama and suspense of several days, the Karnataka police today arrested PDP leader Abdul Nasser Madani in connection with the 2008 Bangalore blasts case. Bangalore deputy commissioner of police Omkarayya executed the warrant against Madani with the support of Kerala police shortly after the PDP leader said he would be surrendering in a local magistrate’s court.
As Madani came out in a vehicle from his Anwarassery camp after mid-day prayers, a heavy contingent of Kerala police in riot gear stalled the vehicle to facilitate the Karnataka official to effect the arrest. The police then took charge of the vehicle and got all others inside it except Madani’s wife Soofiya and a personal aide. It was Kollam SP Harshita Attalluri, who was leading the state police team, who told reporters assembled in large numbers at the spot that Madani had been arrested by the Karnataka police.
The whole procedure took place without any law and order problems except some slogan shouting by supporters hailing their leader and, women and inmates of the orphanage weeping. Madani is expected to taken Bangalore by an afternoon flight so that he could be produced before the metropolitan magistrate there this evening itself.
The PDP leader was also an accused in the 1998 Coimbatore serial bomb blast case in which 58 people were killed and over 200 injured hours before an election meeting to be addressed by senior BJP leader L K Advani. He was acquitted later by the trial court.