Chief minister Y S Rajasekhara Reddy today sought the help of Army to support the ongoing rescue operations alongside the low-lying areas of river Godavari in the state. Speaking to the media just before going for an aerial survey in East and West Godavari districts where the flood situation is said to be very grim, the chief minister said he had apprised Prime Minister Manmohan Singh of the measures undertaken by the state government in flood-hit areas and also sought the help of Army in rescue operations. The state government has already engaged a couple of private helicopters in relief and rescue operations in Khammam and other districts where scores of villages are submerged as Godavari flood water has entered these areas. According to official records, so far about 82 persons have died in rain and flood-related incidents in the state. The chief minister said the next 12 hours were very critical for the low-lying areas in Godavari districts where the flood levels continue to be very high though the floods at upper reaches up to Bhardrachalam have started receding. |