The annual Plan outlay of Andhra Pradesh for the year 2006-07 was fixed at Rs 20,000 crore by the Planning Commission in New Delhi today. The approved plan outlay for the year is higher than what the state government had proposed in its annual budget. |
Interestingly, the state finance department officials have reworked the budgetary proposal of Rs 19,551 crore Plan outlay projecting higher central assistance to certain sectors and presented fresh proposals enhancing size by Rs 450 crore, which was approved by the Planning Commission at the today's meeting, sources said. |
The approved Plan outlay reflects a steep increase as compared to previous annual Plans approved by the Planning Commission and it is much higher compared to Rs 13,530 crore (revised estimate) spent under Plan account during the year 2005-06. |
The increase in Plan outlay will see allocations under the Urban Renewal Mission of the state going up to Rs 300 crore from Rs 266 crore as proposed earlier. Similarly, allocations to the state power sector under the Andhra Pradesh Development and Reforms Project have also gone up to Rs 170 crore from Rs 88 crore proposed earlier. |
According to official sources, the Centre has also agreed to give Rs 134 crore to watershed management programme. |
According to the approved Plan, the state will get Rs 1,500 crore under the Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP) of which 30 per cent would be given as grant. |