As Arunachal Pradesh goes to the polls tomorrow, as many as three of the 60 assembly seats in the state will not see an election: candidates (all three Congress) have already been elected, unopposed including Chief Minister Dorjee Khandu.
But for the other seats, a total of 157 candidates are in the fray. The election has been rendered more interesting because in 2008,nine Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leaders and Members of the Legislative Assembly crossed over to the Congress, plunging the most important opposition party in a crisis as its numbers in the Assembly plummeted to zero from nine.
In the 60-member House, , the ruling Congress has 43 Members, including nine from BJP ,13 Independents and two each from Nationalist Congres Party (NCP) and Arunachal Congress ( AC). The Congress has put up candidates in all 60 seats. The NCP, which is Congress' ally in the Centre and in Maharashtra, is pitted against it in Arunachal Pradesh putting up 36 candidates and supporting five others.