Minister of State, steel and mines, Odisha, Prafulla Kumar Mallik on Monday expressed that government should auction all mines and there was no need to give any exemption to those who are asking for renewals - second and subsequent extensions on mining leases at state mines ministers conference.
The government promulgated the mining ordinance on January 12th in order to give a boost to the stagnated mining sector.
According to the ordinance, miners -asking for renewals - will get 15 years as extension in case of captive mines and 5 years for other mines.
He also added that his state needs higher share of benefits for its various District Mineral Foundations (DMF). The ordinance has capped the benefit sharing with locals - payment to DMF - one-third of the royalty paid.
He added that he wants the centre to address its concern otherwise Odisha will go to court for sure.