An eight member team of senior officials from the Bngladesh Economic Zones Authority(BEZA) visited Sri City multi-product SEZ and industrial park in Andhra Pradesh on Tuesday.
In June last year, Bangladesh government signed a memorandum of understanding with India for establishing two Economic Zones(EZs) in Mongla and Bheramara for Indian investors. India offered to extend credit facility to develop these EZs.
BEZA is an apex body that oversees the establishment of economic zones in Bangladesh. The present visit to Sri City was a part of their study tour in India for investment promotion in the upcoming Economic Zones of Bangladesh.
"This visit will hep us in setting up SEZs in our country," S M Shawkat Ali, member of the BEZA's executive board said after their visit to this private industrial park, which is located on the National Highway 5 and in close proximity to Chennai City.
Commenting on the their visit, Ravindra Sannareddy, managing director of Sri City said,"We feel honored as our neighboring country selected Sri City as a reference model and deputed a team of senior officials for studying the conceptual design and facilities established here".