West Bengal chief minister, Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee and Jharkhand chief minister, Arjun Munda met today in Kolkata to discuss probable solutions to the controversial and restrictive policy of iron ore adopted by the mineral rich states including Jharkhand. |
The chief minister have agreed to work out a solution among themselves and then meet in Delhi to get clearance from the central government for the proposal. |
It was evident from the statements made by the two chief ministers that a mutually beneficial proposal would be worked out. Arjun Munda said, after meeting the required demand for our steel projects whatever mining leases would be surplus could be given to other states. |
West Bengal government would in turn consider giving river water to Jharkhand and electricity. |
To take the co-operation among the eastern states a step forward, the four mineral rich states in the east would endeavour to form a council for iron ore movement. However both the chief ministers made it clear that no particular steel proposal was discussed. |
The negotiations were spurred by the Jindals' Rs 12,000 crore steel plant which has to be split if the Jharkhand government's policy was to be adhered to. |
The Jharkhand government's rules make it mandatory for a producer to set up the steel plant in the state for access to iron ore mines. |