The West Bengal government hopes to generate 15 per cent of the country's total IT revenues by the end of this decade. |
To accomplish the task, the state has drawn up an ambitious IT Vision, according to West Bengal IT minister Manabendra Mukherjee. |
Mukherjee was in Bangalore to attend IT.Com 2004. |
"In IT services, we are targeting 12-14 per cent of software exports, 15 per cent of all product development and R&D outsourcing and 10 per cent of domestic software services and product development. Similarly, in the IT-enabled Services (ITeS), we are aiming to achieve 20 per cent of business process outsourcing (BPO) revenues, 18-20 per cent share of call centre business and 30 per cent of animation & knowledge services," Mukherjee said. |
As part of its 2010 IT Vision, the Bengal government is developing secondary cities like Kharagpur, Durgapur, Siliguri and Haldia for attracting investments in IT and BPO sectors. |
"The Software Technology Parks of India (STPI) is opening its new tech parks at Durgapur, Siliguri and Haldia in the next 10-12 months. With two STPIs in Kolkata and Kharagpur, the state will have five STPI centres for providing state-of-the-art facilities to technology firms," he said. |