Karnataka Governor H R Bhardwaj on Sunday said he would send a report to President Pratibha Patil once the Lokayukta’s report on mining scam, that has indicted Chief Minister B S Yeddyurappa, “comes on record”.
Asked by reporters if the mining scam report is a “fit case” for imposition of President’s Rule in Karnataka, he said: “I have no request from either side (ruling and opposition) that this warrants any President’s rule or anything.” He said the report, yet to be submitted to the Government, but was leaked last week, has come into public domain through the media that “this (indictment) has happened”.
The report has indicted Yeddyurappa and four ministers, among others in the scam, saying it has caused a loss of Rs 1,800 crore to the exchequer in 14 months from March 2009. “Let these things (the mining report) come on record. Then I can express my opinion to the President (Pratibha Patil) which can’t be leaked to the press,” Bhardwaj, who has had a running battle with the Chief Minister, said.
On Lokayukta Justice N Santosh Hegde’s position that he would give the report only to the Government because the mining probe was referred by it, and not the Governor, Bhardwaj said: “I have never asked him to give me a report. If he chooses, definitely I said, I am the competent authority to deal with the Government”.
Asked if he would take a “proactive role” and take “measure” vis-a-vis the mining report, he said: “We have not reached that stage. Lokayukta is cognizant of this matter”. He said the media should appreciate his position as the state government had made him controversial for no reason.
“You (media) are the best judge. Media is the mirror of the society. I have taken earliest the matter of (illegal mining) and how Supreme Court is cognizant and I hope Karnataka and Andhra (Pradesh) states are under the (Supreme Court) scanner (for illegal mining),” Bhardwaj said.