Although Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi chose not to comment on the fast launched by the state Congress leaders to counter his three-day Sadbhavna mission, his party members did not mince any words to trounce the act as "nonsensical" and dubbed it as a "panic reaction".
Senior BJP leader and Gujarat in-charge Balbir Punj said Gujarat Congress was against the people and Modi. "The Congress fast is nonsensical. Shankarsinh Vaghela is trying to rehabilitate himself in the party under the pretence of this fast," he said.
Punj said that the huge sea of people, approximately three lakh people in two days, who came to wish Modi on his good will fast itself shows that they believe in the their Chief Minister. BJP MP in Rajya Sabha from Gujarat, Smriti Irani was highly critical of Congress and termed their fast as ridiculous. "I think Gujarat Congress has already conceded defeat for the Assembly election scheduled for next year," she said.