CEOSPEAK: Vinayak Chatterjee, Chairman, Feedback Ventures |
"We anticipate no revision of the Service Tax in this Budget. The rate of service tax at 12 per cent is suitable for the country and should be kept stable for it to propel GDP growth." |
Chamber-Speak |
FICCI All services should be brought under the ambit of Service tax barring basic essentials and public utilities including E&P activities related to oil and gas, construction activities for infrastructure and rentals for commercial establishments, particularly hospitals and healthcare services. |
Chambers of commerce and trade associations registered under Section 25 of Companies Act or any other statute should be outside its ambit |
CII More services should be brought under the tax net. Also few services related to exploration, development and production operations of oil and gas, construction activities for infrastructure projects and registered trade and industry associations should be kept out of the purview of Service tax |
S Madhavan, Leader Indirect Tax Practice, PricewaterhouseCoopers |