America should not alone bear the "burden of action" and other big countries should step up their efforts to prevent any humanitarian crisis in Libya, US President Barack Obama has said.
"We should not be afraid to act, but the burden of action should not be America's alone," Obama said in his address to the nation.
The US President made it clear to his countrymen that that instead of any unilateral American military action in Libya, he advocated a policy of US leading a coalition of international forces.
"As we have in Libya, our task is instead to mobilise the international community for collective action, because, contrary to the claims of some, American leadership is not simply a matter of going it alone and bearing all of the burden ourselves," he said.
"Real leadership creates the conditions and coalitions for others to step up as well; to work with allies and partners so that they bear their share of the burden and pay their share of the costs; and to see that the principles of justice and human dignity are upheld by all. That's the kind of leadership we have shown in Libya."
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Obama said there will be times, though, when US safety is not directly threatened, but its interests and values.
"Sometimes, the course of history poses challenges that threaten our common humanity and our common security -- responding to natural disasters, for example; or preventing genocide and keeping the peace; ensuring regional security, and maintaining the flow of commerce," he said.
"These may not be America's problems alone, but they are important to us. They're problems worth solving. And in these circumstances, we know that the US, as the world's most powerful nation, will often be called upon to help."
Noting that a new generation is refusing to be denied their rights and opportunities any longer, Obama said this change will make the world more complicated for a time.
"Progress will be uneven and change will come differently to different countries. There are places like Egypt where this change will inspire us and raise our hopes. And then there will be places like Iran where change is fiercely suppressed. The dark forces of civil conflict and sectarian war will have to be averted, and difficult political and economic concerns will have to be addressed," he said.