With the CBI director opposing bringing anti-corruption unit of the agency under Lok Pal, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today gave an assurance that the agency will continue to play a very important role in ensuring probity in public life, whatever be the structure of the anti-corruption ombudsman.
"We hope to see the establishment of a strong and effective Lok Pal in the coming months. Whatever be the structure and functions of the Lok Pal when it is established, the CBI as our premier investigating agency will continue to play a very important role in our efforts for ensuring probity in our public life," the Prime Minister said.
Speaking at the biennial conference of CBI and state anti-corruption bureaux, he said the debate over the possible ways and means to curb corruption and improve the processes of governance has intensified in the last few months.
"The agitation for the establishment of a Lok Pal has brought the issue of cleaning up of our public life right at the top of the agenda of our national priorities. I believe that the churning over this issue that our society and our polity are witnessing today, marked by sharp differences of opinions and ardent advocacy of particular causes is, on balance, good for our country," the Prime Minister said.
Earlier, the CBI Director AP Singh in his speech said CBI must be an integral and independent component in any effort to strengthen the mechanism to combat corruption.
"One of the draft bills of Lok Pal envisages merger of the anti-corruption wing of the CBI with the Lok Pal. Given the composite nature of the CBI...I am of the firm belief that such a proposal is neither practical nor advisable...I will very strongly advocate that at no cost the CBI is bifurcated or divested of its anti-corruption mandate," he said.