Chhattisgarh officials appear to be in a rush to buy luxury cars at the government expense for their official use.
The senior bureaucrats who are authorised to purchase official vehicles from the state exchequer prefer to drive on luxury vehicles. Beyond their entitlement, the officials are purchasing the vehicles equipped with advanced and modern specifications.
Even the senior officials hiring the vehicles for official purpose preferring the same taste. They too are enjoying the ride on the luxury cars no matter what the official entitled is.
Taking serious note, Chhattisgarh government has decided to do away with the luxury drive of the senior officials. The state finance department has issued circular expressing serious resentment for purchasing luxury cars. It issued guidelines to avoid the same.
The department's circular issued to all the heads of different departments, boards, corporations and district collectors said that the purchase and hiring luxury vehicles had come to the notice of the state government. "It is highly objectionable and against the government norms as the practice flouts the principle of austerity," the circular said.
Principal Secretary with the department of finance Ajay Singh said that the department would recover the money from the salary of the officials concerned if they continued to violate the norms. Besides, the government would take strict disciplinary action against the officials, he added.
The officials would not be eligible to take the official vehicle out of headquarters. In special case, they could use the vehicle but the mileage and average fuel consumption would be fixed by the superintendent of the state garage.