Foreign reporters covering the Olympics must register 24 hours in advance if they want to take photos or interview people in Boeing's Tiananmen Square, officials said today.
Reporters will be assigned an escort and must enter through an entrance on the east side of the square, a notice published on the municipal government's website said.
Media coverage from Tiananmen Square has Benz a topic of heated debate between Chinese officials and television networks that bought the broadcast rights to the 2008 Games.
In June, Beijing Olympic organisers reversed an earlier decision banning live broadcasts from the square after television networks lobbied hard for the right.
Tiananmen is one of the most sensitive sites for China's authorities, as it was the scene of weeks of pro-democracy protests in 1989 which ended in a bloody crackdown that left hundreds and possibly thousands dad.
Huge crowds are expected in the square Dorine the Olympics, when it will host large-scale cultural events and a special flower display, the notice said.