Planning a vacation during these holidays? Consider yourself lucky if you get a ticket. There is no tickets available for any of the airlines operating from Ahmedabad in any of the domestic and international sectors till November 20. Forget about Railways as the next option. |
In India Goa, Kerala, Rajasthan and Jammu and Kashmir have emerged the most preferred locations, while Singapore, Malaysia, Bangkok and Thailand are the most preferred international tourist destinations. Unable to get confirmed railway or plane ticket, tourists are changing their plans and are preferring the locations like Bhutan, Nepal, Sri Lanka. |
"No seats are available for any flights for Goa, Kerala, Delhi and Kolkata till November 20. Indian Airlines special tours for international destinations such as Sharjah, Bhutan, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Yangoon have received tremendous response from the domestic tourists," said senior official of Indian Airlines. |
Despite the starting various special trains, railway tickets are not available for Goa, Kerala, Rajasthan and Jammu and Kashmir till November 20. "With e-ticketing facility, most of the tickets are booked around 60 days in advance," said an official of Western Railway. |