Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee announced on Monday that the joint force operation against the Naxalites in Junglemahal would be resumed now as the Naxalites went on killing innocent people there unchecked.
Despite sustained pressure from the Centre and the neighboring states to resume the operation, the West Bengal government was hesitating about taking the final decision.
The latest killing of two Trinamool Congress (TMC) workers in Balarampur, Purulia on Monday was perhaps the proverbial last straw on the camel’s back. As the news of the killing of two TMC activists in Balarampur reached Kolkata, the chief minister reacted angrily. She told a local news channel over phone that the government has kept the joint force operation suspended and waited to bring the Naxalites to the peace talks. But, they have misused the opportunity.
Now, the government will take the measures and joint force will resume operation against them. Incidentally, only last week the chief minister went to Balarampur in Junglemahal and addressed a massive rally there and asked the Naxalites to abandon the path of violence.
At Balarampur, the joint force has now engaged the Naxalites in gun battle and furious exchange of fire is taking place there according to police officials.