The Congress party on Friday demanded the Rajya Sabha sitting be extended by a further two days. Parliament is scheduled to break the ongoing Budget session for a 40-day recess on the coming Wednesday.
The party accused the government of trying to avoid a discussion on the Aadhaar Bill in the House, where the ruling alliance is in a minority.
Ghulam Nabi Azad, leader of the opposition, supported by members from other parties, rejected the government effort to interrupt discussion on the Railway Budget to take up the Enemy Property (Amendment and Validation) Bill. The Congress and some other opposition parties favour the Bill, to replace an ordinance, be sent to a committee for scrutiny.
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Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi, the minister of state for parliamentary Affairs, said there was no unanimity among opposition parties on extending the sitting by a couple of days. "For the first time, the opposition wants to extend the session but the government is not coming forward," said Azad.
He wanted at least an hour be devoted to the Aadhaar Bill. It has been classified as a money Bill, meaning Rajya Sabha assent isn't required for enactment. The Lok Sabha has passed it and the opposition says the government is not keen that the Rajya Sabha discuss it.