Inspite of "electoral disaster" in West Bengal and Kerala, the CPI(M) on Wednesday ruled out forming a Third Front to counter the UPA or NDA in national politics, while stressing that it would endeavour for a Left and democratic alternative.
"No Third Front will be formed to find an alternative. There may be electoral alliance locally with non-BJP and non-Congress democratic parties, but no Front will be formed," CPI(M) Politburo member Nirupam Sen told a press conference here quoting party General Secretary Prakash Karat.
Addressing the 23rd state conference of the party here, Karat said that CPI(M) would strive for a Left and democratic alternative to the UPA and NDA.
"For that we have to increase the strength of the Left parties," Sen said quoting Karat.
Admitting that CPI(M) had become weaker because of "electoral disaster" in West Bengal and Kerala and that it has also not become any stronger in other states, he said that the party, keeping such a situation in view, would have to take steps to increase its base.
Sen said that Karat also discussed the draft political resolution for the next party congress in Kerala to be held in April to chalk out the party's strategy in view of present political situation in the country.
"The general secretary said that we have to organise the poorer and backward classes as also the minorities to fight the onslaught of capitalism and imperialism in the country in order to find a Left alternative," Sen said.