The Delhi High Court has restrained the Odisha government from proceeding on e-auctions of two more iron ore blocks- Chandiposhi and Purheibahal in Sundargarh district.
The e-auctions scheduled for May 5 and 8, have elicited bidding interest from 17 companies. The court’s restraining order on May 4, alludes to one of the clauses under Section 6 (1) (b) of the Mines and Minerals- Development & Regulation Act of 1957 which form the premise for Mineral Auction Rules, 2015. The prevailing auction Rules bar a company to bid for electronic auctions of a mineral block if it already possesses more
The e-auctions scheduled for May 5 and 8, have elicited bidding interest from 17 companies. The court’s restraining order on May 4, alludes to one of the clauses under Section 6 (1) (b) of the Mines and Minerals- Development & Regulation Act of 1957 which form the premise for Mineral Auction Rules, 2015. The prevailing auction Rules bar a company to bid for electronic auctions of a mineral block if it already possesses more