Delhi Police was today allocated Rs 2,836.53 crore in the general budget for the next fiscal, which shows a decrease of Rs 127.50 crore from the previous one.
In the budget presented in the Lok Sabha today by Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee, the city police was allocated a total of Rs 93.50 crore in plan head while Rs 2,805.03 crore was earmarked for non-plan expenditure.
Last year, the budgetary estimates were Rs 2,932.53 crore, which was later revised to Rs 2,805.55 crore.
The budgetary provisions for developing traffic and communication network and a model traffic system has seen a 100 per cent increase from the previous Rs 40 crore to Rs 80 crore.
However, there was no increase in components like expansion of communication infrastructure, training, induction of latest technology and installation of traffic signals. All these heads are allocated Rs 50 lakh each.
For building residential complexes for policemen, Rs 15 crore has been earmarked while same amount is allocated for the construction of police stations.