After Prime Minister Narendra Modi decided to demonetise Rs 500 and Rs 1000, several prospective brides have been fuming since their marriage plans were adversely affected, but one family in the Prime Minister's constituency of Varanasi is thankful to the former for ensuring their daughter's marriage.
Jitendra Sahu, a weaver, was in a desperate situation after demonetisation was announced. He was jobless and his daughter was to get married.
He saved some money, which was enough to take care of marriage expenses, but the government's move to demonetise high value currency left him devastated.
Jyoti Sahu, his daughter, took the bold step of appealing to the prime minister for help through a letter sent on November 9.
Nine days later, something unexpected happened. A local district official knocked on the doors of the family home and gave them Rs 20,000.
It was later informed that the Prime Minister had sent the money after reading Jyoti's letter.